Reflections of Life, Part 2
by Karen S. Wiesner
In looking back over the course of my life as an author
who's looking forward to becoming an artist in retirement, I've learned to slow
down and reflect on the past, savor the present, and look forward to the future.
Interspersed through these ruminations, I'll include some of my own most
apropos sketches.
In Part 1 of this
article, I talked about feeling directed to find a better balance in my life. One
of the first things required in order to bring about very necessary changes in
my crash and burn lifestyle was the crushing of my ego. I've spoken before in
my writings of the worst experience I've ever had with editing a project.
Specifically, when I completed my Arrow of Time Chronicles (a massive science
fiction saga) over the course of two intense years, I truly felt that I'd
written my pièce de résistance. I believed it was the best
thing I'd ever written up to that point. I was on top of the world. I couldn't
wait to have my masterpiece published and in the hands of my readers. The
editing process took place over the course of several months as all four books
were released back to back.
As a little
background to ensure full understanding before I continue, in the span of my
writing career, I've written for at least 25 different publishers big and small,
at first because it was the only way to get my horde of books out to the world
as quickly as possible, considering how fast I wrote. Following a few years of
the worst luck possible with some of my publishers who, frankly, "did me
wrong", I decided to place all my books with a single publisher, the only
one at that time I actually trusted, and still do. One after the other and
sometimes in huge batches, I pulled my books from my other publishers, revised
and reformatted each of them, and gave them to this one publisher, who,
initially, reissued the majority of them very quickly, all while also
publishing my brand new works.
From my very first
book published in June 1997 to the one just before Arrow of Time Chronicles, the
revisions handed down to me from any of my numerous editors had been mild up to
this point, amounting to a few typos needing correction or sentences that
required reworking for clarity with each book. With my first two writing
reference books, editors wanted me to add certain sections, which meant drafting
new material to coincide with a feature they wanted to see displayed in the
manuals. All told, none of this was serious. Structurally, from the start of my
career, all my books were solid and polished even before I submitted them. I
possessed the editorial skills to make them so.
To this day, I'm
not a hundred percent sure why this particular project caused such a rift
between me and my publisher (who was also my editor for all my submissions).
Even after the arduous, soul-tearing editing was completed, I still believed
the four books in Arrow of Time Chronicles were some of my best to date. The
agony I suffered through four excruciating times with each of the books in that
series decimated me in ways I couldn't have previously imagined, given my
editing history. I left the process limping and bleeding each time, my spirit
ground to ash. My confidence took such a violent blow, I never wanted to write
again because it meant inviting further attacks that would surely come during
editing. While I couldn't and wouldn't do anything as drastic as quitting
writing, all the spinoff books I'd planned to write in the Arrow of Time
universe, once the four-book set was published, were summarily canceled. I
couldn't take the risk that this series had been the cause of the damage that wreaked
havoc between me and my publisher.
Karen Wiesner Sketch: Agony |
As I said, I
didn't quit writing altogether, but I did know I needed and wanted to make
changes. In the span of my career, I've started 16 series, varying in length
from three to twenty-three books in each. At that time, all but four of the
series had been finished previous to this crisis. There was no way I could
abandon those final four series without providing satisfactory resolutions.
Over the next two
years, I worked hard rebuilding my relationship with my editor, who was my only
publisher now. While I can't take full blame for the problems between us, I
know I did my share of harm. Chief among my issues was that my ego and (what
seems like now) certainty that my every word was golden needed to be checked
with humility and the willingness to compromise. These two lessons were hard
fought battles for me, both internally and externally. In the process of
learning them, I also undertook the heart-rending job of culling my list of
upcoming projects.
Next week I'll talk about what brought about the strong
sense that I needed to slow down.
Karen Wiesner
is an award-winning, multi-genre author of over 150 titles and 16 series.
Visit her
website here:
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about her books and see her art here:
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