Saturday, June 15, 2024

On Your Face

Given the potential copyright issues if you use a photograph taken by someone else for your professional portrait, it's not a bad idea to take the shot yourself.

If someone else takes the photo that you use in the "back matter" of your books, and on your author websites, and on your social media pages, that's fine. You simply need an assignment of the photographer's copyright, in writing.

Here is a very good guide to the basics, provided by the US Copyright Attorneys of the Sanders Law Group.
For self-portrait-taking newbies, Box Brownie has a very helpful article explaining how to take your best head shot by yourself.

They also have a special offer of up to 4 free, professional photo retouching edits for new followers.

Talking of special offers, -which I consider a go-to site for creating coffee-table books and scrap-type books for limited publication- has a great sale going on until June 20th: 30% off sale using the code SUMMERDAY30.

All the best,

Rowena Cherry 

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