Saturday, June 08, 2024

Mostly, Thou Shalt Not...

Ethics and the Internet have long parted ways.

Over the last decade, legal blogger Peter S. Vogel of  Foley & Lardner LLP  has written some fascinating blog articles about supercookies tracking cell phone users, the legitimate right of a court to subpoena gmail correspondence, worsening cyber crime, whether or not employers can prohibit employees from adding Biblical quotes to their sig files... and The Ten Commandments of internet ethics.

Here is a link to the latter. There are 8 "shallt nots" and 2 "shalls".
It probably boils down to, "First Do No Harm". There's an interesting blog about that, The Impossible Oath, by Spyros Retsas.
From the UK law firm of Brabners, and penned by solicitor Oskar Musial and property litigator Helena Davies,  there is an enviable discussion of whether or not drones can trespass over private property. By "enviable", I mean that I wish something similar were in the legal works where I live.

I like the judge's reasoning.

All the best,

Rowena Cherry 


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