Saturday, June 01, 2024

Clearly Copyright

The bold and the fearless sounds like a soap opera... it's not easy to get a touch of romance into a blog about copyright law... but there you go. There is a law firm with Bold and Fearless descriptors. It is the international law firm Harris Sliwoski. I have not written about them before.

One of their Intellectual Property lawyers, Elijah Hartman, has written one of the best explanations of copyright and the fair use defense that I have seen in quite a while.

If you are new to all things copyright, or wondering in how many ways you might or might not have been ripped off by a book pirate site, Elijah's blog post might be helpful.

You might also consider signing up for a free, creator membership of the Copyright Alliance.

Whether or not you join, you should check out their copyright compendium, which is a thorough guide that informs the Copyright Office (.gov), and also creators, lawyers, and even judges.

Also, the copyrightalliance has a neat table of links to the most important copyright decisions, or pending cases, that either have affected copyright law or may do so in the future.

One of the most interesting examples on the page is the one where the Internet Archive claimed fair use for its copying and publishing publishers' copyrighted works, and was roundly rebuked.

All the best,

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