Sunday, December 06, 2009

Alien Romances Is Part Of The Galaxy Express's SFR Holiday Blitz


See the sidebar for cover art of the prizes to be won in the SFR Holiday Blitz on this blog.


The Galaxy Express streaked onto my radar with Heather's very first post on May 19th, 2008 which was titled "All Aboard -- We're Ready To Launch", had witty subheadings such as "It Takes A Village To Maintain A Lunar Outpost" and "A Wormhole By Any Other Name..." 

I did enjoy Heather's scholarly nod to "Romeo and Juliet"!

The Wormhole paragraph included a live link to this alien romances blog, which was very courteous and kind of Heather, and which resulted in a Google Alert.

I also rather enjoyed thinking about the village. Does anyone else remember a rock group called "The Global Village Trucking Company"?

Moreover, my favorite novel by Isaac Asimov is "The Gods Themselves" and one of the three parts involves a love story on a lunar outpost. What was yours?

How did you discover The Galaxy Express ?
Do you remember which of Heather's posts set fire to your imagination? If so, please tell the story in the comments here, below the official contest announcement which I quote:

The holiday season upon us, and that means 2010 is simmering just below the horizon. Start your New Year off right with a chance to score a free read in one of the hottest up and coming genres around—Science Fiction Romance!

Here’s the scoop: 12 bloggers have teamed up with 17 authors for your chance to win over 30 SFR books. Whether you’re new to the genre, or a fan looking to add to her collection, this event is for you.

Best of all, it’s dead simple to enter: There are no quizzes to answer, no hoops to jump.

For your chance to win all of the books listed in the sidebar by Jacqueline Lichtenberg, Linnea Sinclair, Susan Sizemore, Margaret L Carter, Susan Kearney, and Rowena Cherry all you have to do is leave a comment for this post.

Print book prizes are limited to U.S. residents unless otherwise stated.

The deadline to enter is midnight on Friday, December 11, 2009. The winner will be announced on Saturday, December 12, 2009.

But don’t stop here! Increase your chances of winning even more books by visiting all of the participating blogs.

It’s easy:  Just click on one of the links to the participating bloggers below. Make sure to leave a comment on the post titled “SFR Holiday Blitz.” From there, you can then jump to the next blog. There’s a wide variety of books to win so why miss out?

Other blogs:

The Galaxy Express (which started the phenomenon, and could entertain you for hours!)

Dirty Sexy Books
Flying Whale Productions  
Lisa Paitz Spindler  
Love Romance Passion  
Spacefreighters Lounge 
Take It To The Stars 
Queen of the Frozen North 

You are here:
Alien Romances 

Visitors can also see almost all the books that have been donated in the "Biggest Bang" "Listmania" on Amazon... We'd really appreciate some "Helpful" votes.

Moreover, if any science-fiction-romance lovers who are signed in to their Amazon accounts click through to the book pages to read the reviews, excerpts, and what-have-you, we'd very much appreciate it if readers would either check or write in tags such as "sfr" or "science fiction romance" to help other readers find great examples of this subgenre.

Thank you for your visit, your comments, and your support of SFR.

Rowena Cherry
on behalf of the alien romances authors


  1. Happy holidays to you, too! And wishes for good health and good books in the upcoming year!

  2. Ooooh, Sinclair. I'm so in. I'm not a huge SFR fan, but I like Sinclair.

    Happy holidays and thanks for the giveaway!

  3. What a great selection!!! I'm definitely "in"! Crossing my fingers:) The blog was excellent...:)

  4. Anonymous11:37 AM EST

    I'm an avid Romance reader and slightly more than occasional SciFi reader. I only very recently discovered SciFiRomace genre books and I'm very interested in reading more. I'll be crossing my fingers in hopes of a few freebies to help the pocketbook out a little. :)

  5. SFR Holiday Blitz - I think I discovered Galaxy Express through a guest post at Dear Author. I love SFR so I've subscribed to the blog ever since.

  6. SFR Holiday Blitz--Here from Galaxy Express. Happy Holidays!

  7. This idea for a SFR blitz is fantastic!!
    I found The Galaxy Express through several other authors who directed me to her blog for Steampunk discussions.

  8. What a great contest. I've not read a lot of sci-fi but know I'll love it if it's got romance! Thanks and Happy Holidays!

  9. I am a HUGE fan of romance, and now I would like to expand my reading pleasure and try SF daughter really enjoys it, and thinks I might winning this contest would be a wonderful way for me to try it out and share the books with my daughter.
    Thank you for an awesome chance at a wonderful win : )

    Many thanks, and Merry Christmas to ALL !!!

  10. Cy,
    Thank you so much for your support for all the blogs in this event.

    I hope you win lots of books, and that everyone who doesn't win exactly what they wanted will visit you at for all their sfr book shopping.

    More people should buy books from Indie stores, especially when the owner is passionate about science fiction, futuristic, fantasy and paranormal romance, as you are.

  11. Welcome SMD

    What fun it is to see you here, and everywhere else. I certainly hope you win something.

  12. I'm a big fan of sci-fi books and stumbled across all these sites through friends recommendations. So excited by this contest--the SFR Holiday Blitz--and hope I win!

  13. Loretta,

    Thank you for your kind words. Don't forget to click the links and visit the other 11 blogs in this event, because so many authors have been very generous.

  14. Good luck, Tayluca.

    The trouble with sfr is, the bookstores don't always know where to put us. Help the genre (if it pleases you to do so) by tagging some of the books you've noticed in this event "sfr" or "romance" if you see them on Amazon.

  15. Thanks for the contest - put my name in as well..


  16. I'm just getting into this genre! Thanks for having this contest.

  17. Great contest! Please enter me!

    nbmars AT yahoo DOT com

  18. Ooh those look really good. Great contest :D

  19. Anonymous2:19 PM EST

    I think I've been looking for Science Fiction Romance all my life. I found "The Galaxy Express" from this blog, and I found "alien romances" because of one person Jacqueline Lichtenberg. I found Jacqueline in 1975 through the book "Star Trek Lives" she gave me the Semi/Gen Universe, and showed me the way to Darkover and I will be forever grateful.


  20. Thanks for the opportunity to win Ann Aguirre's trilogy!

    --JB Hunt

  21. I am traditionally a historical romance genre fan, but I would love the opportunity to get acquainted with this area of romance! Sign me up for SFR Holiday Blitz!

  22. I hope most of those books are ebooks as I would love to win books by these authors as they are all on my favourites list.

  23. SFR Holiday Blitz...I'm totally in!

    I'm a new author to the genre but always, ALWAYS an avid reader. :D

    I think I found GE via SBTB.

  24. Just popping in to say hello to another sponsoring blog. (So don't enter me. Besides, I've already read or own most of these fanatastic books!)

    Best wishes to all the entrants. What a fantastic turn-out for the first day of the SFR Holiday Blitz.

  25. I love SFR - my favorites are Linnea Sinclair, Susan Grant, Patti O'Shea, Susan Kearney and Ann Aguirre. I think the SFR Holiday Blitz is fantastic, I'm getting some new books to add to my reading list.

  26. What a great group of books. Please enter me.


  27. Sinclair hooked me on SFR. I'd love to try some new authors.

  28. Hey, Jennifer,

    Welcome to alien romances (the blog) and thank you for your comment.

    I do hope that this event will do everything Heather, Kimber An, Laurie, and so many more hope it will.

  29. Wow! This is an amazing contest. Please count me in and happy holidays to you!

  30. Sandy have you noticed the link in the sidebar to the sampler of over a dozen sfr/ffp authors?

    All the best,

  31. Whoa, that's a lot of books! Happy Holidays!

  32. Rowena, you're very kind! What a great turnout! I hope visitors stay and read up on all the terrific posts here at Alien Romances--lots of gold to be found. This is an amazing bunch of authors.

  33. I love scifi, and am deeply interested in reading new authors in the genre.

  34. I've read some of Kearney's books but not the other ones, definitely got to check them out!

    Happy holidays!

  35. I've been following the Galaxy Express for a while - I don't remember how I stumbled upon it, but I'm glad I did.

  36. Count me in!
    Thanks so much.

  37. Happy Holidays, everyone! I've been a science fiction romance reader since the 90s. I think I've bought everything remotely SFR that's ever come out, and I still have some of those older Topaz books on my keeper shelf.

    I am trying to remember how I found Galaxy Express, and I think it must've been on a late night web-hopping jaunt that started out on Google and ranged all over the place.

    Favorite article? Lots, but the first one I remember reading is the top 15 couples in SFR.

  38. Dana,

    I am intrigued. I must find the article on the top 15 couples in SFR. I love lists!

    That makes me think, there ought to be a Listmania on Amazon, or a Top Ten list on (or is it .ca?) and an EssentiaList on Barnes and Noble bookclubs of top ten sfr couples!

    If only I have time... but I'm writing Grand Fork, and I'm at the stage where I dream about the hero every night, which portends Critical Mass!


  39. Robin and Tholix bring up a good point... how we're going to track down the winner.

    I think we'll post the name of the winner at the end of the contest, and include contact info for winners to contact.

    You don't need to post your email address for the public to see.

    Good luck, everyone!

  40. I knew Heather before she even launched The Galaxy Express. I'm so proud of her!

  41. SFR Holiday Blitz - Good luck to all.

  42. Great selection. I like them all.

  43. I love Sci-Fi romance and found this blog by googling for SFR glad I did!!!

  44. Great books! Great giveaway!

    I discovered Galaxy Express when Heather wrote a blog about Steampunk.

  45. Sigh. Not a US resident. Oh, well, thanks for the offer.

  46. SFR Holiday Blitz

    What agreat lot of good books...

  47. I actually heard about the Galaxy Express from Rowena...on her facebook when she started to promote the event...I was curious and asked about it and the rest is history. I'm soo crossing my fingers & toes and hoping I win. I'm in Canada so I don't know if I'll be fortunate enough to receive print copies...It would be awesome if I could...

    Happy Holidays!
    Anna Shah Hoque

  48. Happy Holidays. I am new to this genre so looking forward to reading more about it.

  49. Happy Holidays - I love this genre and I've read many of these authors.
    SFR Holiday Blitz

  50. love SFR and have since I first discovered them long ago and far away lol back in my early 20's I think

  51. Happy Holidays to all!
    I've been reading sci fi all my life and would love the chance to find some new and exciting authors. I can't afford to buy many books so this would be a great thing for me. Thanks for the opportunity!

  52. Absolutely love the concept of the SFR Holiday Blitz! Count me in.

  53. SFR Holiday Blitz: What a wonderful way to discover websites/blogs that will review books you like.

  54. "SFR Holiday Blitz"

    this is awesome. I'd love to read all these books, and the Susan Sizemore especially. thnx 4 the contest:)

  55. SFR Holiday Blitz - Over here from SciFiGuy. This is a great contest!

  56. "SFR Holiday Blitz"

    This is really FUN!
    love the great contest! please count me in; I’d love to win any (or all, lol!)of these books :D

    as for my favorite Asimov, Idk at the moment b/c Bradbury is what comes to my mind first when I think of personal SF faves. ANd though I'm new to romance, I LOVE paranormal fic, and YA like Scott Westerfeld :)

  57. btw,
    Heather Massey- I understand ur responsible for this AWESOME CONTEST?!
    Great Job! I love it :D

    not only is it great to have a chance 2 win books I want w/o the jumpin' thru hoops part, but thanks for also introducing me to fab blogs I otherwise might never have found!

  58. and woops...sorry 4 accidentally posting 2 entrys
    it should be the 1 entry, and 2 comments (including this one)and pls disregard the 1st one by me, to excuse my mistake :"(

  59. I can't remember how/when I discovered the Galaxy Express, but I'm so glad I did! I always enjoyed SF television shows and movies, but often wished for more of a human element (especially in the novels, which is why I tended not to read them). I'm thrilled to see SF Romance emerge and thrive as a subgenre. WHEEEEEEEEE!!!


  60. SFR Holiday Blitz
    Thanks for the chance to win and happy holidays! :)

  61. Love Alien Romances and futuristics of any type.
    SFR Holiday Blitz

  62. Catie,

    Thank you for your comments. Good luck, and I hope you entered comments on all 12 sites in this promotion.

    Authors, and fans of particular authors should know that at least with the Galaxy Express, the search engines are picking up the comments, so be sure to name your favorite names and book titles.

    Rowena Cherry

  63. Mike,

    The ebooks can go anywhere. There are at least 4 on offer in the entire contest, and several authors would very likely be willing to make a substitution if you were to win.

    Rowena Cherry

  64. Bella,

    Thank you for your comments...every visit is extra traffic, which is good for our rankings.

    I hope you have added some of the 12 blogs to your "Favorites" or become a "Follower" or "Facebook follower".

    Following is a great way to promote the genre.


    Thanks for your support.

  65. Go Galaxy Express! I "met" Heather on Linnea Sinclair's yahoo loop and have found so many great books since. Go SFR!!!

    Pauline Baird Jones
    THE KEY, avail now
    GIRL GONE NOVA, 4/10

  66. I look forward to winning the contest! I look forward to winning all the contests I enter, of course, at least in the moment of entering, lol.

  67. I've been a sci-fi/fantasy addict since I was a child. And found YOU through the SFR Holiday Blitz!

  68. This comment has been removed by the author.

  69. Someone just emailed me to ask in the nicest possible way how to find out which books commenters might win on this alien romances blog.

    Eeek. I forgot to write it into the body of the Blitz announcement, but the covers of the seven books that we are donating to the winner are in the sidebar on the right side of the page.

    Seven books! Linnea Sinclair's, Jacqueline's, Susan Kearney's, Susan Sizemore's, Margaret L Carter's, and mine (2).

  70. Thank you Rowena.

    DUSHAU is available in Kindle format and Mass Market Paperback. I can maybe supply other formats if necessary.

    And if, perchance, the winner has already read Dushau, I can substitute one of the sequels, or another item from my backlist.

    See my simplified entry page for free chapters

  71. Not only do I get a chance to win some books, but I get to find all kinds of great new (to me) sites! Yea, SFR Holdiay Blitz!

  72. This comment has been removed by the author.

  73. Happy holidays! Fantastic contest idea! SFR holiday blitz


  74. Glad to hear from so many readers! My donation is an e-book of FROM THE DARK PLACES, a Lovecraft-inspired horror-suspense novel with romantic elements.

  75. Answer to question: How did you find Galaxy Express? It was my husband who found it after reading Linnea Sinclair's books (all of them). He's a long time sci-fi fan who decided sci-fi romance was the place to be.

    The Blitz is a great idea!

  76. I'm so crossing my fingers to win the SFR Holiday Blitz! Can't wait!

  77. “SFR Holiday Blitz”

    What a great way to make the holidays better!

  78. Oooh, this sounds terrific! I found this from a cross-post on And I can see I'm going to have to read through the blog archives.

  79. Count me in! I love finding out about new authors and genres within SF.

  80. Anonymous5:25 PM EST

    Ooh, these look nifty.

  81. Anonymous5:45 PM EST

    SFR Holiday Blitz? Count me in!

  82. Anonymous5:52 PM EST

    Thank you for doing this. Please let me have a chance to win.

    Happy Holidays!

  83. Count me in! Thanks for having this great contest!

  84. Count me in! i LOVE scifi romance!

  85. SFR Holiday Blitz is a great idea!

  86. My wife would eat these up.

  87. Some of these authors I've not heard of - what a great excuse to find out about them.

  88. What a great contest. I love so many of these authors.

  89. Thanks for doing this, what a fun idea. :)

  90. I didn't even know that there *was* a subgenre of "Science Fiction Romances" until today, and I've read SF for nearly 40 years. I don't see the books mentioned here at my local Books-A-Million in the SF section; are they shelved in a seperate section? Do SFR books get discussed on panels at SF conventions? How very interesting that an entirely new group of SF seems to have appeared as if by magic overnight.

    Curt Phillips

  91. SFR Holiday Blitz -- great way to start a really good holiday. and its bloggers lead to everything else--or at least to all the best SF made better by the R.


  92. I'm thrilled to find sci fi romance bloggers! I read all my older brother's scifi as a girl, quite different than most of my friends back then, That gave me a rich background. Later I found romance novels, and loved them, too. What could be better than both together?

  93. Happy Holidays - I am a SF fan who likes some chick lit and romances.

  94. Happy Holidays.

    Thanks you for this contest! =)

  95. SFR Holiday Blitz - yes, please!

  96. This SFR Holiday Blitz could give me a chance to experience SFR. Thanks!

  97. Curt P--
    SFR didn't appear magically, no. It's been there for years but the (re)designation as SFR has been in the past 10 years. Lee/Miller and the Liaden series have been SFR. Asaro has done SFR. Cherryh has-obliquely--and continues to do so. What authors like myself and the others listed here and in The Galaxy Express have done is try to alert readers to CHARACTER-DRIVEN SF, as opposed to plot/theme driven. That's the essence of it.

    Locus mag recently noted my books were essentially David Weber's military SF with a romance subplot.

    Not plain chocolate but chocolate pecan ripple. ;-) ~Linnea

  98. How did I miss this blog? Never again shall I miss a post! Findeers Keepers is one of my favorite books EVAH!!

  99. sfr holiday blitz- I was reading about steampunk and they had a link to galaxy express. great giveaway.

  100. My favorite combination is SF/fantasy with a dollop of romance. What a fabulous contest. Count me in!

  101. Very Happy Holidays!

    I just discovered Galaxy Express through a link from the Smart Bs, Trashy Books site.

    And SFR Holiday Blitz

  102. Anonymous12:59 AM EST

    Heavens, all the books? A tasty chance!

  103. Fascinating -- people seem to be commenting on other posts, starting their comments with "SFR Holiday Blitz." Now will they be counted or not?

  104. SFR Holiday Blitz.

    Happy Holidays and Thanks!

  105. This is a fun new set of blogs. And I hope I win! Thanks.

    I'm here via

  106. I'm so glad someone sent me the info on the SFR Holiday Blitz contest! I think you have a great blog and what a great idea to combine two genres this way.

    Thanks for allowing me the chance to win one of the books!

  107. Thanks so much for the chance to win!
    ruthann (dot) francis (at) gmail (dot) com

  108. SFR Holiday Blitz is a great idea to spread knowledge of SF!

  109. Mike,

    Everyone who comments at all (as long as it isn't "spam") will be counted for our prize.

    We don't like to set conditions here.

    It looks like Jacqueline Lichtenberg and Margaret L Carter are willing to send ebooks. I can substitute Mating Net and Forced Mate as ebooks, I'm not sure about Linnea, so it is definitely worth overseas readers posting here for a chance to win.

    Rowena Cherry

  110. Count me in!


    Nicole.Zoltack AT

  111. Ah, Mike.

    I see what you mean. Thank you for the heads-up. I have now added wording to the SFR Holiday Blitz blog, and also a comment on Linnea Sinclair's excellent post.

    In a nutshell. No.

    I don't think it would be fair if I were to trawl through Linnea's, Jacqueline's, Margaret's and other posts and decide who meant to post to the SFR Holiday Blitz contest (and who didn't) and then sort out whether they have posted here as well, and would thus be multiplying their chances of winning.

    With a bit of luck, they'll either post or repost here.

    Rowena Cherry

  112. SFR Holiday Blitz just wanted to say thanks for the chance of winning and to take the opportunity to wish you Happy Holiday's. I stumbled across The Galaxy Express around this time last year don't remember which post exactly but I know I loved it enough to add it to my google reader so I could get a regular fix!

  113. Thee Bree1:51 PM EST

    I would love a chance to win free books:) SFR blitz is a great idea, especially for those of us laid off before the holidays who can not afford to include books in there budget - ahem, me:) - Many thanks for the opportunity.

  114. Thee Bree,

    I'm sorry to hear that you have been laid off just before Christmas. It takes a very special employer to do that, doesn't it?

    I think I heard that Baen Books gives away free ebooks all the time. You might check it out.

  115. SFR Holiday Blitz!

    This is so much fun. I love, love reading. And I love finding new books.

    SFR and RSF are my favorites. I do hope the genre keeps snowballing.

  116. Anonymous3:49 PM EST

    Count me in too! There is nothing better than new books to read!

    Thanks so much for allowing us this opportunity!

    Happy Holidays everyone!

  117. Anonymous4:35 PM EST

    Thanks for the chance to enter into another of your SFR Holiday Blitz contests and Happy Holidays to all of you!


  118. New to SFR and loving it! Thanks for the opportunity to participate in the “SFR Holiday Blitz.” Happy Holidays!

  119. SFR Holiday Blitz sounds like a lot of fun. I'm looking forward to making a list of the great books offered for my reading:>.

  120. Happy Holidays! This is an awesome giveaway! So far I've only read Linnea Sinclair and Ann Aguirre, but I am excited to giving some other authors a shot!

  121. SFR Holiday Blitz

    Thank you for the opportunity to broaden my horizons!

  122. This really is a great thing.. I cant wait to hopefully get my hands on some of these :-)

  123. SFR Holiday Blitz - what a delightful idea! thank you so much for this opportunity to get both science fiction and romance at one go.


    Count me in on the giveaway. Looks like a great one!

  125. SFR Holiday Blitz

    I'd love to get my hands on these titles. I'm writing my first novel now and suspect it would be marketed as a science fiction romance. But I definitely need to research this genre and find some great, comparable novels.

    Thanks for this contest!

    Mary M-S.

  126. I found out about this blog through the SFR Holiday Blitz and tat through an e-mail from Rowena Cherry.

  127. Love Susan Grant (which is how I found out about the contest). I am looking for new authors in this genre, please count me in!

  128. This is an awesome idea. More books and more blogs to read!

    I'm here from


  129. What a fabulous way to celebrate the holidays--I'm pretty new to SFR, but love how it combines a couple of my favorite kinds of reads!!

  130. Anonymous7:15 AM EST

    Ann Sommerville got me hooked on SFR that's were some of book budget

  131. Anonymous7:23 AM EST

    My comment came out anonymous
    (so excited)
    so I have tried again :)

  132. SFR Holiday Blitz!

    What a good idea :)

  133. Love Sci-Fi. Love Romance. The two together is like ... just beyond love ...

  134. Love the SFR blitz. Great contest.

  135. Not sure if I can count as SFR reader, the only book that I read which class such is P. J. Farmers "The Lovers", I think.

    Anyways, please add me to the contest. :-)
    I'm in Germany, by the way.

  136. SFR Holiday Blitz!

    These books look wonderful! Sign me up!

  137. I was a Sci-Fi reader long before I "found" romance. I'm glad I can feed both addictions in one read(well not just one read, more like hundreds or reads and rereads).

  138. Hi All,
    Sorry to come so late to the party. Between the release of RION my newest futuristic release and my daughter's wedding next week, I've been swamped!!! But I wish all of you could win.
