Sunday, February 28, 2021

Faceblock... or Whither Groups?

 Disclaimer: my title does not refer to either the Qualcomm tool, nor to the Polandball character (who is, apparently, "easily offended by questionable content"). I made the word up, then did a ddg search and discovered a coincidence or two.

Yahoo recently dropped its Yahoo groups. Here is a splendidly comprehensive discussion:

Also, going-going-gone perhaps... or perhaps not are the Facebook groups. Angela Hoy of BookLocker writes a fine summary of the coming and going of Facebook's groups, and their usefulness or otherwise for authors:
Angela Hoy suggests that authors will find MeWe more useful. Others seem to like io groups.

Google Groups seem still to be around, and it is well worth taking a moment or two to check ones privacy and security settings.  Allegedly, doing the same on Facebook is not going to take just a moment or two.  Allegedly, it is hard to do, perhaps by design. 
Google also has a freshly minted web creators community that might be worth a look.
As for Facebook, the legal bloggers at the Cadwalader Wickersham and Taft LLP law firm report on official concerns that even users' medical information is not safe.

The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, but in the apps.

"After investigation, the New York State Department of Financial Services ("NYDFS") found that Facebook routinely obtained sensitive data, including medical information, that was collected through consumers' use of third-party applications."

Apropos of nothing, if you wrote a media tie-in novel during NanoWriMo or at any time during 2020, the International  Association of Media Tie-In Writers is accepting submissions for the Scribe Awards.

All the best,

Rowena Cherry 

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