Sunday, January 16, 2011

The best and the brightest

Avatar was interesting because humans were the aliens. The aliens wanted minerals. They didn't care about the natives one way or another, as long as the natives didn't interfere with the mining operations.

In Jules Verne's The Time Machine, humanity had become two species: the hunters and the hunted. They could interbreed, but one group were the brutal predators and the others were flower children/cattle.

On Facebook, a friend wrote: "The good Lord was good to me. He gave me a strong body, a good right arm, and a weak mind." ~Dizzy Dean

There is a beer advertisement on TV which appears to make everyone happy....

If aliens were to annex Earth, they would probably prefer to preserve the weak minded among us, either as slaves or for a food source. The best and the brightest would have to be eliminated, because they are the ones who would make a nuisance of themselves.

Based on that assumption, what would be the best way to go about a successful annexation?

1 comment:

  1. "The best and the brightest would have to be eliminated, because they are the ones who would make a nuisance of themselves."

    Good point!

    Someday I'd like to write a story about an Earth dominated by aliens to the same extent India, for example, was dominated by Britain. The conquerors are there, ruling in the areas that affect their interests, but on an everyday level much of life goes on as it always has. I've been trying to think of some valid reason advanced aliens would WANT to bother ruling Earth. Not so easy to come up with a really plausible motive. What resource could we have that they couldn't get with less trouble somewhere else?

    BTW, THE TIME MACHINE is, of course, by H. G. Wells. No doubt just a slip.
