Making the Olympics was a former dream of mine. While I was ranked in the top 6 divers in the US. only two divers made the team and I never qualified. But of course I'm always very interested in the games. And it struck me anew how similar writing books is to trying to make the Olympics. Yes, I sit in a chair most of the day instead of burning up lots of exercise calories. But writing is hard work. too. Mental toughness is part of the game. And a writer can work years without ever selling a book--just like athletes have no guarantee of success--neither do authors. So why do we do it?
Why spend years of hard work, hoping for success? Bottom line: you have to enjoy it. And just like I've never regretted the years I spent at the pool, I feel the same way about my books. I've never been prouder of a series of books then the Pendragon Trilogy. I love the stories and the characters and the plots. Will the books succeed beyond my dreams? Become a movie? Make number one of the Times list? Not a chance. And yet, lots of readers write to tell me they love them. The reviews are good. I love the covers. Life is good.
PS. JORDAN is in stores now.
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