Sunday, May 12, 2024

If You're Going Through North Carolina...

I am not going to recommend that you wear some flowers in your hair. Such a disguise might not help at all. But you might want to read an article that has been thoughtfully shared by our sometimes copyright-unfriendly friends at the Electronic Freedom Foundation.

In my early days of bsp (blatant self promotion), there was a start-up company that did a very good deal on promotional postcards, and they also did car magnets. I remember embarrassing my daughter (and she was right that my behavior was inappropriate) by driving around with a shopping- bag-sized car door magnet displaying a bare chested hunk and promoting my alien romance novella, Mating Net.

If EFF and NewsObserver has it right, I should stop at the North Carolina welcome center rest stop near Asheville, and slap my old hunky door magnets on for the drive-thru of NC, because the plethora of surveillance cameras can even look at bumper stickers and share images with policemen everywhere. It would be better promo if I wrote first responder romances, of course.

Talking of promotion, Angela Hoy of Booklocker writes a fantastic weekly newsletter, which I highly recommend. Last week, she shared a feature article comparing the ROI (of time) of a newsletter vs a blog.

What do you think? 

Maybe I am an outlier, but I tend to read the posts of the blogs to which I subscribe, and to delete unread the newsletters. I only stay subscribed because I don't want to hurt the authors' feelings by unsubscribing.

Also, a blog is searchable, and if one bothers with labels and so forth, blog posts show up in a by-topic search. Below are just two fantastic blog recommendations.

For excellent promo and marketing advice, you might want to add Penny Sansevieri of Author Marketing Experts to your list.

Another blog that ought to be a must-follow for not-yet-well-established writers is Writer Beware.

Happy Mothers' Day to all!

All the best,

Rowena Cherry 

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