Sunday, February 06, 2022

Tow The Line

It's the time of the season... the football season that is, when obscene sums of money are spent on advertisements. Some advertisements will be entertaining, others will advocate for global improvement, and the rest will attempt to achieve a commercial return on the investment.

With luck, the proof-reading will not jar the readers' senses, as did the "ANUS BURGER" billboard a few years ago.

Whether the G was dropped by accident or on purpose, no one knows.

Sometimes, an apparant typo can be great advertising if it "goes viral", but at what cost to literacy?
Is good grammar elitist? Is it immoral to confuse and miseducate the public by barraging them with bad examples, split infinitives, split participles and worse? 

Many advertisements seem to play on F.O.M.O., or Fear Of Missing Out. That acronym is used to explain irrational exuberance (to coin a Greenspan phrase) in toppy stock markets. So, too, is T.I.N.A., or There Is No Alternative, which is used to justify continued buying of stocks even when they are overpriced, and also for some highly favored pharmaceutical suggestions.

"Plummet" is an intransitive verb (or it can be a noun). The Fed cannot "plummet" anything, but it can cause the market to plummet. The market can plummet (drop sharply) but it cannot "be plummeted".

Just pay attention to how many times in a day you hear, "Don't miss out..."  You might also notice the "You exist, therefore you deserve..." pitch.  "Deserve" is not a true synonym of "Entitled"; it's not even the same part of speech, but it is more succinct, and that is advertising gold.

One might hear, "I wish I would have known.... and then I would have saved..." multiple times every hour.  "I wish I HAD known" makes better sense.

Spellcheck is no substitute for literacy because Spellcheck cannot cope with homophones if the context is ambiguous. I saw "Tow the line" as a caption. 

Towing the anchor line resulted --perhaps-- in a big oil leak in California.  But, toeing the line is what honest  athletes do with their feet before a race.

As for "laying around the house", perhaps I date myself by pointing this out, but the only things that might go "laying" around your house are female poultry.  Infertile and inanimate objects lie but do not lay.  Of course, the occasional domesticated man might lay the table...or a willing sex partner.

All the best,

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