Saturday, July 13, 2019

A Facebook Event Might Not Be The Best Venue To Organize Illegal Activities

Talking of legalities, this author would like to remind all visitors, especially those protected by vigilant European regulators, that this blog will drop cookies on your devices. When you ride the tail on the biggest dog on the internet, it is astoundingly generous in sharing its fleas.

Good device hygiene means clearing your devices' cookies, cache, and history often. You might notice CLOUDFLARE cookies.

Film maker and copyright blogger Ellen Seidler of Vox Indie has something to say about Cloudflare and the piracy it hosts and from which it profits, thanks to the inadequacies of the DMCA.

Ellen's interesting piece illustrates a copyright owner's judicious use of Search (of Whois + an alleged pirate sitename) to discover information.

In the same vein, but way more extensively, thetrichordist illustrates astounding investigative tactics to track down villains, conspiracies, downright illegal and wicked (alleged) organization of illegal activities for apparently furthering political and profitable agendas, and corruption in metaphorically high places.

Ajitation Event

It's very long, contains plentiful peregrinations (love that word!), but exposes some freakishly flexible definitions of acceptable behavior...and also the naivete of some Facebook users. 

By the way, this week Wozniak warned the world to wean themselves rapidly off that site.

Nothing to do with Facebook, piracy, conspiracy theories etc, but some light relief for science fiction story plotters, the editor reports on a theory that a love of music is what separates humankind from simiankind.

As this blogger read that article, one remembered philosophy, literature studies, and  "the music of the spheres" ...

Meanwhile, SFWA adds its voice to that of copyrightalliance and authorsguild in urging individuals to contact their Representatives and Senators to express support for the CASE act.

SFWA members are invited to a fly in on July 18th to speak with Congress members and staff in person about the shortcomings of the DMCA and the need for a small claims process for small fry copyright owners who have had their copyrights infringed and have no remedy.

Email for more info.

Authors Guild shares this link to co-sponsors in the House (possibly to be thanked and encouraged)

And this link for Senators:

Alas, this blogger's Representatives and Senators are not on the lists. One must write again. Now, dear Reader, please remember to delete cookies.

All the best,
Rowena Cherry

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