The first is a Tumblr post with links, written by E A Schecter, on the topic of plagiarism.
The second is a legal article from which latter I follow for information about copyright, trademarks, patents and other rip offs of intellectual property.
This article is an entertaining explanation of fair use and judicial chutzpah by the law offices of Marc D. Ostrow that includes a couple of quizzes and a criticism of some legal rulings.
The third is also from Lexology, by DeBrauw, Blackstone, Westbroek--yes, from the Netherlands-- with an example of how one admirable little European country is supporting copyright owners and slapping down internet hosts who would protect anonymous sellers of illegal e-books.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Rowena Cherry
PS And then, there is the DOJ taking (a legal term) songwriters' works and limiting the rights of songwriters to negotiate contracts, all for the benefit of Google, Spotify, Apple, Pandora and other Big Tech companies. See David Lowery's latest:
PS And then, there is the DOJ taking (a legal term) songwriters' works and limiting the rights of songwriters to negotiate contracts, all for the benefit of Google, Spotify, Apple, Pandora and other Big Tech companies. See David Lowery's latest: