Showing posts with label MPAA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MPAA. Show all posts

Friday, November 14, 2014

WheretoWatch -- Search for legal movie viewing

The shared news of a convenient innovation by the MPAA.

Quoting:  "On Wednesday this week, the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) launched a new site called WheretoWatch, a free online service for film and television fans to quickly find our where their favorite titles can be legally viewed. With the growing number of options from subscription streaming to online rental and purchase to DVD kiosks, viewers who care to watch titles legally no longer have to search individual services to compare availability and pricing. 

"WheretoWatch enables search of movies and television shows by titles, directors, actors, and writers. Click on a title, and a single screen shows you the multiple services where the title can be viewed, including prices for rental or purchase.

"We believe this service represents a significant step by the motion picture industry toward making filmed entertainment viewing more convenient in the contemporary market; and we’re pleased to see that many members of the press have likewise praised WheretoWatch this week.

"“In a move I am surprised no one has made sooner, the Motion Picture Association of America has launched Where to Watch, which aims to turn into a comprehensive index of where you can watch movies and television shows legally, whether for free or for money.” — Washington Post

"Not only do we believe it is important that producing industries take this kind of initiative, we also believe consumers benefit because this site is designed solely to promote easier, legal viewing.  A third-party developer of a similar site would invariably seek to monetize the service through advertising or data-mining its users or both.  WheretoWatch is ad-free and free to use with or without creating a user profile.

"We hope you will visit and test-drive it yourselves, and if you like it,  we encourage to share it with your network and via social media. The more use the site gets, the more likely it is to succeed by growing its database and expanding into new markets.

"In case you want to read more about WheretoWatch, here are a few blog posts that you might enjoy reading: 
Studios Launch WheretoWatch Service (Illusion of More), 
MPAA Launches (Creativity Tech) and

Have a great weekend!

Rowena Cherry