1. Simple Electronic Signature (SES): Basic electronic signatures, suitable for low-risk transactions.
    2. Advanced Electronic Signature (AES): Enhanced security features, including signer authentication and tamper-proofing.
    3. Qualified Electronic Signature (QES): The most secure level, requiring certification from an EU-accredited provider.eIDAS ensures cross-border recognition of e-signatures within the EU, fostering trust in electronic transactions.
The key, IMHO, of trustworthiness is if a document for e-signing is only sent by pre-arrangement and agreement, and comes from a named person with whom one has previously corresponded.

By contrast, a contract I would never e-sign might be one sent unsolicited, from a complete stranger, even if it appears to be a Netflix, or Amazon, or Terminate-Em-All address.... for one that addresses me as "Dear Costumer!"

I'm more reassured of there is Multi Factor authentication, for instance if I cannot open the document without receiving a code by email or phone call.

Here's an interesting explanation: Why You Need Your E-Signature Cryptographically Verified. This resource explains the technical mechanisms that make e-signatures both secure and compliant.

Apologies for a dry topic.

All the best,

Rowena Cherry